The Industrial Revolution marked a period of significant change for the American economy. Likewise, the Digital Revolution is dramatically changing how we conduct business in the 21st century. While these changing times have both been fueled by advancing technology, the difference is that now the pace of innovation is faster than ever. What will the future of the American economy look like? What kinds of businesses will be successful? Join Dealhack as we take a look at these questions in the video below.

The New Economy video


Economists Stuart L. Hart, C.K. Prahalad, Jeremy Rifkin, Geoff Mulgan, Raj Sisodia and many more have been making predictions surrounding the concepts of increased efficiency, increased collaboration, increasing transparency, increased compassion, and decreasing marginal costs. This sounds like quite the great future for consumers! This future can also be good for businesses too. It is easier than ever to gather funding from the crowd for your next big idea. The businesses that will thrive are those that can make a positive impact upon the world.

What could go wrong? Plenty of dystopian stories show how tragic putting great power in the wrong hands can be. We can't predict whether or not some future artificial intelligence will turn hostile on it's creators, but we can know that we must put in place safeguards in place to protect against fraud, hacking, and manipulation.

In an era of rapid change where only the best ideas succeed, it is more important than ever for it's citizens to become critical thinkers. It is up to us to determine what our future will look like.

